Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Insomnia & Workaholism

I'm an insomniac and a workaholic -- two traits that contribute to my productivity, but are also probably going to contribute to poor heatlh. So far I seem fairly healthy, although I have a sneaking suspicion I have Type III diabetes (if there even is such a thing -- Type II sounds too foreboding).

Fortunately, my 4-month son, Aidan, relishes my knack for staying awake with him at night. He's probably going to acquire carpal tunnel before he can walk since I work at the computer while he "punch punch punch kicks kicks kicks" in my arms. (Baby Experts call that "Active Alert" but it lacks the rhythm to say).

I'll probably post all the pictures we've taken here from time to time because I'm preparing to make a website. It's on my "to do" list, along with everything else -- all which needs to be completed "immediately."

Turning our trademarked logo into a mascot -- a la Wal-Mart and AOL
Finishing the edits and 2nd draft of our publishng guide
Writing the custom handbook
Compiling the e-Gem series into a published handbook
Canceling my book with iUniverse so Outskirts Press can publish my book of art and poetry the way it was supposed to be -- in color.
Making author orders automatic from our Author Center
Program a press release auto-generator
Finalize our ad for Writer's Digest's e-newsletter
Mention this blog site to all our current and prospective authors. What a tool!
Create Aidan's website <--- see, there it is.

More on all these items later...