Press Release: Increase author royalties by 300%
Best-selling Author Increases Royalties by 300%
Denver, Colorado, January 10, 2005 - Alan Ritz, the best-selling author in six different categories on switched his book to Outskirts Press last October and increased his royalties from 15% to 55% as a result. For a best-selling title on Amazon, that switch translates into big bucks for the author. His 4th quarter royalties alone will be over $9,000 higher because of his decision to move publishers.* And that is mostly just for sales in November and December.
“I am interested in a long-term partnership,” stated Mr. Ritz regarding the decision to move his book to Outskirts Press, “and I considered [the] services to be of higher quality and value.”
Mr. Ritz made his decision to leave his previous publisher, AuthorHouse, after just two months due to strategic differences and the low royalty. “Their royalties are not a secret. An author has to select between 5%, 10%, or 15% royalties for Amazon, which is still extremely low.” Even though he selected the highest royalty allowed, he was making just $3.74 on a retail price of $24.95.
“We are pleased to offer a better value to talented authors like Alan Ritz and other writers who recognize the value of a better profit margin after publication,” said Outskirts Press President Brent Sampson. “Thanks to EDI distribution and business alliances with our wholesale partners, we can secure online distribution with Barnes & Noble and Amazon for a fraction of their usual margin. That excess money can go into our authors’ pockets.”
In Mr. Ritz’s case, that margin differential translates to a profit of nearly $14 for every book sold through Outskirts Press’s extensive distribution network of wholesalers and online retailers. A royalty of 55% on the retail price is unheard of in the publishing industry, but Outskirts Press continues to pave the way toward book publishing of the future.
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