2005 A Year in Review for Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press has experienced phenomenal growth in the past year. In fact, since we launched in 2002, we have seen a 49,900% increase. The reasons for our growth are simple. We are the only publishing service provider that lets the author set their own retail price and royalty.
Here is an exciting example: An author recently brought his book to us from one of our competitors where he was earning around $3.50 with each book sold through Amazon.com. Now, with Outskirts Press, he is earning $13.76 for each book sold through Amazon. Same book, same retail price, nearly 400% more profit! So far he's been selling about 200 books a month on Amazon. Do that math in your head and see the advantages of Outskirts Press!
Visit this link to see calculate your own pricing when publishing with Outskirts Press: http://outskirtspress.com/pricing
2006 promises to be just as exciting as we launch our monthly Tele-seminar tour for our published authors and registered writers. More information about all the marketing initiatives we offer can be reviewed here: http://outskirtspress.com/marketing.php
2005 also saw the publication of not one but two of my new books. Publishing Gems: Inside Information for the Self-Publishing Writer was published in March. Then, Self-Publishing Simplified was published in October after a busy summer of modifications to the title, the cover, and the interior. In its first full month of publication it reached an Amazon ranking of 1,055, which doesn't sound like much but is actually very high.
In 2006 I hope to have my next book published, called 365 Days to Promote Your Book.
And, when I have time, I hope to continue keeping up with this blog-thing. Everything I read indicates it is time well-spent, but I'm not so sure. It sure is time-consuming, though!
Speaking of time consuming, when I was gung-ho and excited about "blogging" back in the dark ages (first quarter 2005), I often uploaded images to my blog. Some were of my son Aidan and others were of marketing concepts or possible covers for books. I haven't uploaded any images in a while because, frankly, it takes too long. So, in order to bring 2005's blog to a close, I figure it is appropriate to upload another image (although it doubles the time I have to spend on this). But, this picture is definitely worth it, don't you agree? I can see where he gets his good looks. (From his mom!)

Go, Aidan! Go, Aidan!
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