Adventures in Publishing
Now that the Publishing Gems book is complete (I've passed it to our production department for interior layout and galley cover design), I've been able to focus more on the true Outskirts Press publishing guide, entitled Adventured in Publishing, An Interactive Guide to Publishing Your Book. Don't have a date on that, yet. Publishing Gems will have an official publishing date in April to allow enough time for reviews to be posted and published, but a sneak peek of the published book will be available at the CIPA college in March. I haven't decided whether to charge or give it away yet. I visualize the cover, and will be able to post the .jpg of it here, soon. Finally I've gotten ahead of the day-to-day concerns with the website, hosting, and production and have been able to concentrate more on the CEO's job -- building the company. These publishing guides are designed to do just that, as well as provide content fodder for other publications, websites, and newsletters. Thinking custom publishing? Think Outskirts Press. That's the idea, at least.
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