Thursday, February 17, 2005

Adventures in Publishing update

Adventures in Publishing: An Interactive Guide to Publishing Your Book is finished, and the main editing is complete. We're going to format the interior in the next couple of days and make last minute adjustments, in necessary. I think I've decided not to mention our color Pearl package at all -- it's just so different from the other four packages we offer, kind of messes up the whole symmetry of the book. But I haven't decided for sure.

Publishing Gems is going to be completely done in the next week. I think I'm going to have to write the foreword after all, which kind of sucks, but I wasn't able to secure anyone else to do in with enough time to spare to ensure availability of the published book by the middle of March, which is when I'm unveiling it during the CIPA college. That's the last day for Evvy award submissions, and I think I may submit it this year after all. I was thinking of waiting until next year, but by next year I'll probably have a number of new reference guides to submit, so might as well submit this one when I'm not competing with myself. I may submit Adventures in Publishing, too, but we'll see how I'm feeling about that.

I got my professional portrait back from the photographers for the back of the books. It'll be on the back of the Publishing Gems, but not Adventures (since that book back is FULL with all the cover choice thumbnails.).

I also have it clear in my mind how the ebook version of Adventures is going to work -- now implementing it, that's a different matter. It has to translate to web and CD, since it will be a foundation of the software CD we'll start to make in the coming months.