Publishing Gems Final Cover
Finally! Publishing Gems: Insider Information for the Self-Publishing Writer is done and on press. It should be published within the week. We'll definitely meet the CIPA deadline. Now on to finalizing Adventures in Publishing, including decided how we're going to distribute it, to whom, and whether there will be a cost. We're having a short BOD lunch meeting today to iron that out.
Here's the cover of Publishing Gems. I'm very happy with it. Now, the work of promotion begins in earnest.

Promotion has sort of already started. These blogs will start to propagate hopefully. And I'll use the SEO techniques on to propel it more. This will be the first book I can really use to leverage the Amazon "listmania" and "...So you wanna..." opportunities, plus some springboarding/portal pages that use Amazon and BN. Time consuming stuff. I'll write about it as I do it for the e-Gem series I'm writing. It's our tips and hints on promotion and publication. If you're not getting it yet, you can see what it's about by sending a blank email to
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