Monday, February 21, 2005

Publisher's Weekly


One of the reasons I was aiming for an April publication date for Publishing Gems was to give my review copy enough time to get into the hands of Publisher's Weekly editors.

We'll I just received the galley copy back in the mail. Apparently I used the wrong address. I'll have to confirm that the information we're providing in the Author's Center is accurate and then resend it, although now there isn't enough time before it's published. Nevertheless, there's an old saying that I like to quote from time to time: "If at first you don't succeed, yell profanities until someone gives you your way!"

We've decided what we're going to do with the distribution of Adventures in Publishing. By "we've" I mean the Board of Directors. This isn't exactly what I wanted to do personally. It's kind of odd having to take strategic direction from a group of people rather than just doing what I want to do... but there you have it, life in the big city.

Another directive is that I can't actually say what we're going to do yet... because it's the future. I'm now allowed to only report what has happened or is happening on this blog. Not what will happen in the future. ("But that's all the fun stuff!" I whined, to no avail).