Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween. October in review

It was a busy month in the self-publishing and POD publishing world, at least as far as Outskirts Press was concerned. CIPA meetings got back into full swing and it looks like I might end up being a board member this year, if the nomination to the current board members goes okay. The annual SPAN conference was held in Colorado and Outskirts Press was in attendance as platinum patron exhibitors. This was the first time I got to speak in person on the possibilities inherent in adding on-demand editions of off-set book runs. Most publishers (even small and self-publishers) don't realize they have another option to Amazon Advantage, which charges 55% and a yearly fee for what we can accomplish for just 20%. I can't give away too much of the details since it will be the subject of an exciting live teleseminar that I will be conducting toward the middle of November. More details will be shared on our Outskirts Press newsletter.

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I should also upload a picture of Aidan in his Halloween costume because he's just too stinkin' adorable, but I'd have to download it from the camera, then upload it to my blog directory, then write the img src code, blah blah, blah. So, suffice it to say, he's going to get bags of candy tonight.