Writing Associations
We attended the CIPA College over the weekend. A lot of good information from a lot of talented and experienced people. It's also nice to meet some of our new and potential authors face to face.
Our COO continues to have strong reservations about the front cover of Adventures in Publishing -- and even the name isn't sitting pretty with her. We're examining our options, but it may delay the publication of that.
The e-book of Adventures will still be released as planned. The final version is done, including a hyperlinked Table of Contents for the convenience of the reader. The ebook alludes to some elements of our website that are not implemented yet, so we're pushing to get those future implementations done (or at least done enough) so we can release the e-book. It's free, and it's available at http://outskirtspress.com/publishing.
It'll be sent out this week, even if I have to pass on sleep completely. The major renovation to the site that is mentioned in the Guide is the Wholesalers section. In an unprecedented move, we're allowing all our registered users in the OP Community to act as wholesalers or distributors of all our books. They can buy any book published by Outskirts Press at the full trade discount price and sell it for retail to keep the profit. Due to our exclusive pricing model, the author still makes 100% of their set Book Profit, and this further helps with the distribution of our books, and the profit to our authors. We may have this operational this week, too.
I'm also suppose to mention our OutskirtsPress.net portal site for SEO purposes. So there you have it.
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